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Sports Turf – (formerly Sports Park Turf Mix)

Ideal for new seeding or renovating football, soccer, baseball fields and playgrounds, this mix was developed to provide durable, high quality turf on high traffic areas. Resistant to diseases common to intensively managed turf areas. Superior wear tolerance and excellent winterhardiness. Excellent spring and fall vigor with superior midsummer performance.

Available only in:

5# Laminated Poly (12-5# = 60 Case)
25# Poly Woven
50# Poly Wo



Medium to dark green color
Medium texture
Withstands heat, winter, heavy traffic

Light/Soil Requirements:

Performs best in full sun Adaptable to a variety of soils

Seeding Rate:

Seed @ 4-5 lbs per 1,000 sq ft Overseed @ 2-3 lbs per 1,000 sq ft

Establishment Rate:

Germinates in 7-21 days with proper moisture Fully establishes in one growing season



50% Elite Kentucky Bluegrasses

50% Elite Perennial Ryegrasses



Ideal for new seeding or renovating football, soccer, baseball fields and playgrounds, this mix was developed to provide durable, high quality turf on high traffic areas. Resistant to diseases common to intensively managed turf areas. Superior wear tolerance and excellent winterhardiness. Excellent spring and fall vigor with superior midsummer performance.

Available only in:

5# Laminated Poly (12-5# = 60 Case)
25# Poly Woven
50# Poly Wo



Medium to dark green color
Medium texture
Withstands heat, winter, heavy traffic

Light/Soil Requirements:

Performs best in full sun Adaptable to a variety of soils

Seeding Rate:

Seed @ 4-5 lbs per 1,000 sq ft Overseed @ 2-3 lbs per 1,000 sq ft

Establishment Rate:

Germinates in 7-21 days with proper moisture Fully establishes in one growing season



50% Elite Kentucky Bluegrasses

50% Elite Perennial Ryegrasses



Size Chart

Available only in: 5# Laminated Poly (12-5# = 60 Case), 25# Poly Woven, 50# Poly Wo